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Stacey Borden is the Founder and Executive Director of New Beginnings Reentry Services, Inc. Since 1982, for almost 30 years, Borden had been in and out of prison. From her personal experiences and understanding of the system, Stacey became an abolitionist and advocate for women suffering from domestic & sexual violence. Stacey created her organization in response to the lack of resources for these women suffering from past traumas and injustices within prison.

The mission of our organization is to reduce recidivism by advocating for and providing
services to women and men reentering local communities. With a Master’s Degree in Mental
Health Counseling with a concentration in Addictions and Trauma, Borden is a strong
advocate for Drama Therapy for the women she cares for in the organization.
In addition to her NBRS work, Stacey is an author, performance artist, motivational
speaker and an activist. She has been on several panel discussions about the criminal
justice system and has spent time as a guest lecturer at Berklee School of Music and
Harvard Divinity School.

Stacey continues to be recognized for her incredible work. She received an Honorary
Doctorate Degree of Philosophy from T.I.U.A School of Business in recognition of her
entrepreneurship and business administration. With her Degree, Stacey has been
recognized for her outstanding honorary achievement for a lifetime commitment to
community service and the empowerment of others. She has been honored with the Jane
Doe Inc Award, for advocacy in DV and Sexual Abuse of women, the Feminist in Action
Award the Malcolm X Afrikan Achievers Award, and the All Things Art Award, for
advocacy in supporting women and community, and most recently, Borden won the PEG
ERLANGER Award, for her advocacy of women rights against the criminal justice system
and human rights by the Criminal Justice Policy Initiative.

Currently, Stacey is a board member for On With Living and Learning (OWLL) and MA Action
for Justice. She is also a member of The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly
Incarcerated Women and Girls and The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC).
Borden has joined a 3 year project in 2022: the “Roundtable on Racial Disparities in
Massachusetts Criminal Courts.” which is organized by the Harvard Kennedy School
Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management.

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